Friday, December 19, 2008

5 down 1 to go!!!

I finally emerged from the library yesterday afternoon after spending two somewhat excruciating weeks studying for finals and writing papers. Thankfully its over for the time being and I don't go back to school for at least 3 weeks. We'll spend part of that time in NJ visiting family, part of it in NC hanging out with friends, and the other part in Florida with family again. Laura and I are really looking forward to seeing everyone, we're driving to NJ for Christmas tomorrow morning. I haven't packed a single thing yet, and now Nolan is thwarting my progress by taking a nap. Not that I mind that at all, its giving me time to catch up on the National Geographic Channel. Its all about the marine iguana.

- Jesse

p.s. sorry i don't have any cool pictures to show like Laura always does.

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