Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Nolan!

He's ONE today!!!

I feel like he's so much older when I say, "he's one" instead of "he's 11 and a 1/2 months". He started clapping today and has not stopped clapping for himself all day. Ironically, when everyone sang "Happy Birthday" to him, he cried like a baby. And when I say cry, I mean SCREAM. Hopefully this will not be a trend for future years, because that will be pretty awkward when he's in his teens.
More pictures to come!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

can I have a redo?

Sorry. When I uploaded the video, I accidentally forgot to make it "public". Thanks for the e-mails letting me know the error of my ways. Here's the one from yesterday:

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

"not uhhhh"

Nolan has mastered shaking his head and will sometimes do it on command if we "prompt" him by doing it first. The trick is that you have to be really exaggerated as you're about to see Jesse demonstrate:

Friday, March 6, 2009

6 reasons

I may or may not have forgotten to post a little Happy Birthday post for Jesse. His birthday was I guess technically you could say I forgot. Whoopsies. Happy Birthday Jesse!!
Reasons I love Jesse: (these aren't the only reasons, by the way)
he's strong!
he's insane!
he shares his hats with Nolan
he helps me grocery shop for silly babies
he carries our son like a duffle bag
he sits in the backseat of our car in the parking lot of coldstone so we can share our ice cream as a family
Happy 25th!
I love you.

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