Thursday, April 10, 2008

A Quick Substitute

I was trying to upload a video of Nolan doing something, but the internet connection is too slow and its too late to keep trying. I'll try to get it up tomorrow or sometime soon. In the meantime, these pictures make more sense anyway. Mary and Janet have been here for the past few days and they have really been a huge help. They have made dinner, done the laundry, cleaned the floors, gone shopping - pretty much everything that needed to be done, they did. And all with smiles on their faces. They even got to take Nolan for his first stroller ride in the outside world. Unfortunately they have to leave tomorrow, so we will be one step closer to doing this baby thing alone. (Again not really because we have such good friends down here). Anyway, Laura and I really appreciated their help, and I know Nolan enjoyed having his first 2 "ants" visit him. It won't be long until he sees them again!

Ok, I don't know if I'm too tired to type straight or what, but I can't get the pictures to upload either. I promise I will post them asap. Sorry!

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