Sunday, March 16, 2008

Nolan's Baby Suite

Here's a short video for you to see where the baby will stay. It is a very spacious room with a private balcony attached. He'll love it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Nannie & Pops have just viewed your whole blog and loved it. They are praying for all 3 of you and BE SURE they are among the first to know of the arrival of their first great-grandchild!
They can't wait to see you in May.

Joe preached the Palm Sunday service yesterday (and I was out of town!!) Everyone said he was fantastic - and he got a standing ovation!! Unfortunately the stupid CD recorded was broken. UGH!!! The music dorector says he might be able to rescue it somehow....I sure hope so...Joe is also preaching the 7:30 AM Sonrise service on Easter. It'll be interesting to see if he makes it there for that! Probably won't go to bed....

Love, Ant Wendy