Thursday, February 28, 2008

35 Weeks!

Here's a shot of Laura at 35 weeks. We had a doctor's appointment today and everything looks great! She gained another 3 pounds, making the grand total so far 38lbs. The baby is really active, he's kicking Laura in the ribs all the time and gets the hiccups a lot, too. Either the hiccups or he's got incredible rhythm...

Jesse is having a really light workload lately which has been really nice. He hasn't had the chance to be bored in months, so it's been fun to relax together after work/school. Speaking of work, Laura's last day is March 11th and she can't wait! We going to celebrate by having a "Happy Retirement" dinner out.

From now on we have appointments every Wednesday afternoon until the due date, so check back for more updates!
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Jesse said...

Hi everybody - For anyone who has had trouble leaving comments b/c of username/password stuff, I think I figured it out. If you have a gmail account then you can use that username and password to sign your name and post a comment.

If you don't have a gmail account, then the easiest thing to do is click the bubble next to "Anonymous" and just sign your name in the body of your comment.

Either way, you should be able to leave us comments!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he wants to be a rapper and is kicking oldskool in your womb.The hiccups are his beatbox and he is trying to breakdance and keeps hitting your ribs.hahah..You should watch snoopdogs "fatherhood" and see what his responce is or P.diddy's making the band 10...or if he is really good and you think he has potential tune into american idol.hahaha Love Auntie M